


Peaceland University is founded and funded by a Swiss woman - Mama Pia. Mama Pia visited Enugu Nigeria in 2008. During her stay in Enugu, she was overwhelmed by the crushing poverty, lack of opportunity and access of the Nigeria people especially the youths to quality education. Read More

The business of providing qualitative and quantitative education in Nigeria and elsewhere calls for a synergy between the public and the private sector. The Peaceland University, Enugu is coming after the establishment of Peaceland College of Education and Peaceland College of Health Sciences and Technolcogy, all in Enugu.

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The Proprietor of the Peaceland University, Enugu is Peaceland College of Education Enugu Limited, an incorporated company limited by shares, registered in August, 2017 under Part C of the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990. It is private investment company limited by shares with registration No. RC 1429903. The business of the company is to be managed by a Board of Directors, which in addition to the powers and authorities expressly conferred upon it by the Articles of Association, may exercise all such powers and do or perform all such acts as may be exercised or done by the Company and are not by any Acts for the time being in force or by these Articles, required to be exercised or done otherwise.

The vision of the Peaceland University, Enugu is “to be a distinctive private university reputed for academic excellence in education and training”

Consistent with the Vision of the University, the Mission of the Peaceland University, Enugu is “to be the reference point for the production of high-quality education and excellent scholarly and creative endeavours in the interest of quality human capital development”

The philosophy of Peaceland University, Enugu is premised on the fact that the university shall see itself as a community of learners serving its multiple constituents by providing access to and participation in scholarly and creative endeavours on a vast scale.

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Education is regarded generally as a tool used for the integration of the individual into the society so that he or she can achieve self-realization, develop national consciousness, promote unity and strive for social, economic, political, scientific, cultural and technical progress.

Education is the only thing that can help facilitate the elimination of ignorance, illiteracy, disease, unemployment and poverty among the people. That is why Brameld Theodore sees education as synonymous with the greatest power yet devised by man either for his continues progress or eventual destruction. To him, education is an investment in human capital on which the progress of any nation depends. The main function of education, especially university education therefore is to prepare man for 'Complete Living'. It is only a good university that can perform this function of preparing man for Complete Living. This is why we are focusing on Peaceland University, Enugu in the context of meaningful, purposeful, positive and creative education with new ideas.